CAPS® connects bodyshops, work providers and insurers, together with all the major claims applications and management systems, so you can work with anyone, anywhere.

Work with anyone
Share data securely
CAPS® gives you complete control over who sees your information and uses the latest security standards to exchange data without storing it on our servers, or anyone else’s.
Use your existing systems
It doesn’t matter which system you use, or how you use it. Even if you change systems in the future, CAPS® will continue to securely share your information with the people you need to work with.
Get an accurate picture
There’s more to sharing information than simply connecting systems. CAPS® automatically translates the vast array of status codes and definitions to provide a clear and accurate picture for all to see.
Access real-time claims and repair data
With a real-time view of all the relevant claims and repair information, there’s no need to waste time re-keying status updates, or making time consuming telephone calls.
Connect your business today
Joining the CAPS® community is easy. There’s no license for bodyshops to pay, no training programme to go through, and no software to install.
With the majority of bodyshops already connected, isn’t it time you joined the CAPS® community?
“Easier to work with the right partners”
We want to work with businesses we trust and value, not just those who happen to use the right system. With CAPS® managing all the system connections, it’s easier to work with the right partners.
“Accurate and fully up to date”
Seamlessly sharing our information means that everyone has an accurate and fully up to date picture of what’s going on.
“Less driver downtime”
We’ve benefited from a noticeable improvement in communications and repair times, which means less driver downtime and distractions from core business activities.
“Digital claims experience”
Delivering a flexible digital claims experience to our customers relies on accessing real-time data from multiple partners.
“We can use any system”
When information is keyed only once, to any system we want, it makes the whole process quicker and reduces the chance of mistakes creeping in.
See what CAPS® could do for your business
Even small accidents can involve a lot of people. And with so many calls to make and systems to update, wouldn’t it be easier if everyone could securely share the same information, without worrying about which system to use?
Reduce costs, make fewer phone calls and use any system you need to
Listening to our connected partners
Bringing together experts from every corner of the claims and repair industry drives the innovations needed to ensure CAPS® delivers clear and measurable benefits for everyone involved.
As more partners connect, we’ll carry on listening and innovating, ensuring we deliver the secure communication framework and common standard our industry needs.
Easily share information and work with new partners, without increasing costs.
A system the entire industry can rely on
There are well over 1,000 CAPS® enabled bodyshops across the UK updating key milestones in the repair process and sharing information in real time.
Currently exchanging information on nearly 100,000 claims every month might sound a lot, but it’s just a fraction of the capabilities of a system built with the needs of an entire industry in mind.
Keep everyone up to date in real time, every minute of every day.
As a bodyshop, there’s no license fee to connect your business with CAPS®, simply fill out a quick online form and we’ll get you up and running.
CAPS is designed to work with your existing systems so there’s no need to install any separate software in order to start sharing information.
CAPS is designed to be incredibly easy to use. Our team of experts will help you get up and running and are always on hand to provide additional support should you need it.

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